
Q チェックイン、チェックアウトの時間は何時ですか?
What time is check-in and check-out?
A チェックインは15:00から23:00まで、チェックアウトは翌朝11:00でございます。

Check-in is from 3pm to 11pm, and check-out is 11am next morning. Please let us know in advance if your check-in time will be later than 11pm.
Q チェックアウト時間の延長はできますか?
Can I extend my check-out time?
A 13:00まで+500円。それ以降は一泊分の宿泊費となります。

Additional 500 yen will be charged until 1pm. After that, additional one night stay cost will be charged.
Q 領収書が欲しいのですが…。
I would like a receipt....
A 領収書がご入用の際にはフロントまでお気軽にお申し付けください。

If you need a receipt, please feel free to ask at the front desk.
The receipt should include only the name, amount, and proviso (no indication of the number of peoples).
However, we are not able to issue a receipt in the following cases.
Please note
■When you make a reservation by credit card payment in advance from each hotel reservation website. (Receipts can be printed out from the website where the reservation was made.)
■When you use a dynamic package of hotel and flight ticket. (The amount including the airfare can be printed out from the website where the reservation was made.)
■Reissue of a receipt that has already been handed over.
Q 延泊をしたいのですが…。
I would like to extend my stay....
A ご延泊をご希望の際は、フロントまでお申し付けください。


If you wish to extend your stay, please contact the front desk.
We will check rates and availability.

(Please note that we may not be able to extend your stay depending on room availability on the day. Please understand in advance.)
Q 宿泊料金の支払い方法は?
How do I pay the fee for my stay?
A チェックインの際にフロントにてお支払い頂きます。

Please pay at the front desk upon check-in. We accept
cash, credit cards, and electronic payments (paypay, d-pay, Melpay, LINEpay, Alipay).
We will inform you at the front desk when you check in.
Q 6歳未満の添い寝について
About bed sharing for children under 6 years old
A 6歳未満の未就学児童のお子様の添い寝につきましては、無料で個室のみご利用可能です。

Preschool children under 6 years old may use beds free of charge in private rooms only.
However, only one child per bed is allowed.


Q エキストラベッド、子ども用ベッドはありますか?
Are there any extra beds or children's beds available?
A ございません。

Q 加湿器はありますか?
Is there a humidifier?
A ございません。

Q お部屋でインターネットは使えますか?
Can I use the internet in my room?
A はい。Wi-Fi完備で全客室フロントでも無料でお使い頂けます。

Yes, free Wi-Fi is available in all guest rooms.


Q 外貨両替はできますか?
Can I exchange foreign currency?
A 当ホステルでは外貨の両替を行っておりません。

Our hostel does not exchange foreign currency.
Q 大浴場はありますか?
Is there a large public bath?
A ございません。

Q 客室にトイレとお風呂はありますか?
Are there toilets and baths in the guest rooms?
A トイレとシャワーは共有となります。

Toilets and showers are shared.
Q 自動販売機はどこにありますか?
Where is the vending machine located?
A 館内にはございません。

There is no vending machine in the building.
Q コインランドリーは何階ですか?
What floor is the laundromat?
A 2階にございます。

It is located on the 2nd floor.
Washing is free. Drying is 100 yen per 30 minutes.
Q Wi-Fiは利用できますか?
Is Wi-Fi available?
A 客室はもちろん、館内すべてにおいてWi-Fiをご利用頂けます。

Wi-Fi is available in all guest rooms and throughout the hotel.
The Wi-Fi ID and password can be found in the information provided at check-in.
Please feel free to ask at the front desk.


Q ホテルから荷物を送りたいのですが…。
I would like to send luggage from the hotel....
A 佐川急便の着払い伝票のご用意がございます。

Sagawa Express cash-on-delivery slips are available.
Q 事前に荷物をホテルに送りたいのですが…。
I would like to send luggage to the hotel in advance...
A 承ります。

Sure, we will accept it.



Q お弁当の配達はお願いできますか?
Can I request a lunch box delivery?
A 状況次第では可能です。

It is possible depending on the situation.
Q ポイントサービスは行っていますか?
Do you offer a point service?
A 公式LINEにてランチ1食につき1ポイントがつきます。

One point will be awarded per lunch on the official LINE.
Q ペットを連れて利用できますか?
Can I bring my pet?
A ご利用できません。

Q こども用のメニューはありますか?
Is there a children's menu?
A ございません。

Q バリアフリーに対応していますか?
Is the building barrier-free?
A 手すりなどはございませんが、車椅子のままご利用いただけます。

There are no handrails, but wheelchair access is available.
Q タバコは吸えますか?
Is smoking allowed?
A お店の前に灰皿がございますので、そちらにてお願い致します。

There is an ashtray in front of the building, so please smoke there.
Q アレルギーがありますが対応してもらえますか?
I have an allergy.
A アレルギーの食材を抜くことは可能です。

It is possible to remove allergens from your meal.
Q 支払い方法は何がありますか?
What payment methods are available?
A 現金または、各社クレジットカード、電子決済(paypay,d払い,メルペイ,LINEpay,Alipay)もご利用頂くことが可能です。

We accept cash, credit cards, and electronic payments (paypay, d-pay, Melpay, LINEpay, Alipay).
Q 予算はどれぐらいですか?
What is the budget?
A ランチは1,000円以下、夜は2,000~3,000円です。

Lunch is under 1,000 yen, and dinner is from 2,000 to 3,000 yen.
Q 一人でも入れますか?
Can I enter alone?
A お一人様も大歓迎です。

One person is also very welcome.
Q 貸切はできますか?
Is it possible to reserve the whole room?
A 可能ですが宿泊者の出入りはございます。

It is possible, but guests may come and go.
Q 席だけ予約はできますか?
Can I reserve a seat only?
A 可能です。

It is possible.
Q タクシーや代行の手配はしてもらえますか?
Can you arrange a taxi or a chauffeur service?
A 手配いたします。

Yes, we will make arrangements for you.
Q 定休日はいつですか?
When is your regular holiday?
A ございません。

We have no regular holidays.
Q 最寄駅はどこですか?
Where is the nearest station?
A 四つ橋線の本町もしくは長堀鶴見緑地線の西大橋から

It is a 5-minute walk from Hommachi Station on the Yotsubashi Line, or Nishi-Ohashi Station on the Nagahori Tsurumi Ryokuchi Line.
